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    Airsolve Pvt. Ltd.

    Airsolve Pvt Ltd is an authorized distributor of Atlas Copco for the below Products which are used by the Industrial segment. We also offer quality service for the product we supply.

    1. Air Compressor

    2. Air Dryers

    3. Air Pipeline

    4. Energy Recovery

    5. Line Filters

    We are a supplier and service provider of the above-mentioned equipment by offering one of the world’s largest range of Industrial Product to provide the end user a “reliable, effective & Economic” solution.

    Our Company at a Glance

    Explore our achievement in numbers.

    0 +
    Trained Engineers
    0 +
    Satisfied Clients
    0 +
    International Awards
    0 +
    Years of experience

    Delivering the World Class Sales/Service/Spares

    Over the last 10 years, we have been providing world-class service.

    Social Events
    On-campus college events to shape the social and intellectual character of students.
    Certified Teachers
    Teachers with extensive experience and certification at the highest level.
    Internship Oppurtunities
    Our students can participate in the internships program with the leading companies.
    Global Community
    We provide education to students from all around the world.
    Practical Education
    Get theoritical education as well as the practical understandings.
    Extra Activities
    Our students can participate in the internships program with the leading companies.

    Our Client's Success Stories

    We are overwhelmed with generous words from our Clients.

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